Agenda item


The purpose of this report is to update the Local Committee on the Redhill Balanced Network and to gain approval for the legal orders and notices required.


Report and Annexes A – H attached.


The Committee:


(i)         NOTED the update provided and the latest programme of works.


(ii)        AGREED the removal of clause 4(f) from the current 1991 Notice referred to in Annex B to the report submitted and authorised the advertisement of an appropriate notice.


(iii)       AGREED to revoke the existing disabled bays located in Station Road, adjacent to the Harlequin building, and the creation of new bays in the High Street as indicated in Annex C to the report submitted, and authorised the advertisement of an appropriate notice.


(iv)      AGREED the closure of Marketfield Road at its junction with High Street and Cromwell Road (Annex C to the report submitted) and authorised the advertisement of an appropriate Notice.


(v)       AGREED the proposed bus stop clearways as indicated in Annexes C and F to the report submitted.


(vi)      NOTED the bus stop clearway locations on the Balanced Network (Annex G to the report submitted).


(vii)     AGREED the shared footway/cycleway around Noke Drive/Redstone Hill that will join up with the proposed off road cycle facility being introduced by the Station development.


(viii)    NOTED the proposed layout of the Station Road Gateway (Annex H to the report submitted) and the continued dialogue with Surrey Police regarding the CCTV cameras.


(ix)      AGREED that if objections are received to advertisement of the legal notices and traffic orders, the Area Team Manager is authorised to try and resolve them in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Divisional Members and Project Manager, and decide whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the orders should be made, with or without modification.



In order to:

·         Improve control of motorised vehicles from accessing Station Road

·         Compensate for the loss of the disabled bays in Station Road by creating new disabled bays in the High Street

·         Create a public realm area at the junction of High Street and Cromwell Road by closing the junction with Marketfield Road (new access to the current surface car park will be created on Marketfield Way).

·         Facilitate buses stopping at the improved bus stops by creating bus stop clearways

·         Create a continuous off road cycle facility between the planned new railway station and Noke Drive


Declarations of Interest: None


Officer(s) attending: Narendra Mistry, Principal Design Engineer


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None


Member Discussion – Key Points:


·         Members welcomed the proposals and thanked officers for their hard work to date. It was noted that road users with disabilities were happy with the proposal to relocate the disabled parking bays from Station Road, and that Reigate and Banstead Borough Council had agreed a new location for Road Runners taxis to pick up passengers in the Marketfield Road car park.

·         A question was asked regarding measures to ensure pedestrian safety at the entrance/exit to the proposed new station car park on Redstone Hill. The Principal Design Engineer agreed to forward the plans to Members.




The Committee:


(i)         NOTED the update provided and the latest programme of works.


(ii)        AGREED the removal of clause 4(f) from the current 1991 Notice referred to in Annex B to the report submitted and authorised the advertisement of an appropriate notice.


(iii)       AGREED to revoke the existing disabled bays located in Station Road, adjacent to the Harlequin building, and the creation of new bays in the High Street as indicated in Annex C to the report submitted, and authorised the advertisement of an appropriate notice.


(iv)      AGREED the closure of Marketfield Road at its junction with High Street and Cromwell Road (Annex C to the report submitted) and authorised the advertisement of an appropriate Notice.


(v)       AGREED the proposed bus stop clearways as indicated in Annexes C and F to the report submitted.


(vi)      NOTED the bus stop clearway locations on the Balanced Network (Annex G to the report submitted).


(vii)     AGREED the shared footway/cycleway around Noke Drive/Redstone Hill that will join up with the proposed off road cycle facility being introduced by the Station development.


(viii)    NOTED the proposed layout of the Station Road Gateway (Annex H to the report submitted) and the continued dialogue with Surrey Police regarding the CCTV cameras.


(ix)      AGREED that if objections are received to advertisement of the legal notices and traffic orders, the Area Team Manager is authorised to try and resolve them in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Divisional Members and Project Manager, and decide whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the orders should be made, with or without modification.

Supporting documents: