Agenda item

Creating Opportunities for Young People: Re-commissioning for 2015 - 2020

Services for Young People has achieved significant improvement in outcomes for young people since its transformation in 2011-2012. Services were commissioned in 2012 for a three year period, ending in 2015. Cabinet agreed the strategic goal and a revised Surrey Young People’s Outcomes Framework on 22 April 2014. This paper proposes: a new model to deliver improved outcomes; adapted and new commissions to deliver the model including seeking Cabinet agreement to take commissions to the market; and seeks agreement to increased delegation to Local Committees. The model includes commissions which are delivered as services by Surrey County Council and commissions where providers will be sought through procurement. The paper seeks agreement to commence procurement for £8.115 million of externally delivered services for 2015-2020 as described in the report.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]



1.       That the new model for commissions, as described in paragraphs 12 to 15 of the submitted report, be approved to deliver the goal of employability and the Surrey Young People’s Outcomes Framework.


2.       That procurement of £8.115 million of services for 2015-20 for commissioning Local Prevention and Year 11-12, as specified in paragraph 27 of the submitted report, be approved, subject to future medium term financial plan budget changes.


3.       That changes to the delegation of decision making to Local Committees and Woking Joint Committee in relation specific youth services as shown in Annexe 1.a and 1.b. of the submitted report, be approved.

Reasons for Decisions:


This report sets out the commissioning model and procurement approach to deliver the Surrey Young People’s Outcomes Framework for 2015-2020 to meet statutory duties outlined in paragraph 8 of the submitted report and to build on the success of the achievements since the transformation in 2012.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]




The Cabinet Member for Schools and Leaning asked the Cabinet Associate for Children, Schools and Families to present this report to Cabinet. She reminded Cabinet that they had agreed the strategic goal and a revised Surrey Young People’s Outcomes Framework on 22 April 2014. Since then, the service had been working to develop a new model to deliver improved outcomes; had adapted and developed new commissions to deliver the model including seeking Cabinet agreement to take commissions to the market; and sought agreement to increased delegation to Local Committees. The model included commissions which were delivered as services by Surrey County Council and commissions where providers would be sought through procurement.


She drew attention to the Commissioning Model – ‘the Smartie Diagram’ set out in the report and expanded on the options considered for each commission, the rationale for its inclusion and the reason for the recommended procurement approach. She was also pleased to report that, as part of the engagement in July 2014, with partners, staff and the market on the proposals, over 100 responses were received from a wide range of staff and organisations. She highlighted the key changes proposed as set out in paragraph 19 – 30 of the submitted report.


She also informed Cabinet that the Children and Education Select Committee had received a report on this topic at their July meeting and that their comments were set out in item 5. She said that she was grateful for the issues raised by them and considered that they have been addressed in this report to Cabinet.


Finally, she drew attention to the EIA appended to the report and thanked members of the Project Board, including the young people, and the officers for their input in formulating the new model for commissioning.


Other Members made the following points:


·         Services for Young People had been a success – in the last 4 years, costs had been reduced whilst services had been maintained and more decisions were taken locally

·         Outcomes were important

·         Timebanking was an excellent idea

·         Commissioning would be improved this time

·         Pleased with the reduction in NEETS and that there had been 90% reduction in first time offending

·         Liked the inclusion of Health Young Surrey and 16-25 yr olds SEND within the ‘Smartie Diagram’.




1.       That the new model for commissions, as described in paragraphs 12 to 15 of the submitted report, be approved to deliver the goal of employability and the Surrey Young People’s Outcomes Framework.


2.       That procurement of £8.115 million of services for 2015-20 for commissioning Local Prevention and Year 11-12, as specified in paragraph 27 of the submitted report, be approved, subject to future medium term financial plan budget changes.


3.       That changes to the delegation of decision making to Local Committees and Woking Joint Committee in relation specific youth services as shown in Annexe 1.a and 1.b. of the submitted report, be approved.

Reasons for Decisions:


This report sets out the commissioning model and procurement approach to deliver the Surrey Young People’s Outcomes Framework for 2015-2020 to meet statutory duties outlined in paragraph 8 of the submitted report and to build on the success of the achievements since the transformation in 2012.


Supporting documents: