Agenda item


Purpose of report: Policy Development and Review


To allow the Committee to input on the proposed changes to bus services in Surrey, as discussed with the Member Reference Group.




Paul Millin (Travel and Transport Group Manager)

Peter Wylde (Programme and Commissioning Project Manager)

Mike Goodman (Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning)


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The report was introduced by the Travel and Transport Group Manager who explained that the review would look at a number of elements including back office changes, renegotiating bus contracts and local support for concessionary travel. The review would also consider local bus withdrawals as part of the consultation.


2.    Members agreed that the communication plan should explain to the public what the consultation was about and the main reasons for it. The Cabinet Member explained that the directorate was under pressure to make a saving of £2 million and would ensure this message was made clear during the consultation.


3.    The Travel and Transport Group Manager explained that £10,000 had been set aside to deliver the consultation and the communications strategy that would go along with it. The only other costs related to officer time.


4.    The Committee was informed that there was a strand in the review to look at investment, which could potentially include the installation of real time information at more bus stops.


5.    A number of key partners including SALC (representing parish councils) and bus operators had been approached before the consultation. It was explained that during the last bus review concessionary fares were not looked at in detail. 


6.    The local transport review member reference group was vital to shaping the proposals that would go to Cabinet in spring 2015. Social media would also be used to inform residents of the consultation.  


7.    The Programme and Commissioning Project Manager explained that private workshops were scheduled with local committees to discuss possible changes to buses in each local area.


8.    The Chairman stated that officers should ensure the consultation was accessible and understandable to members of the public. It was important that only information that was relevant to the public was included as part of the consultation.


9.    Members asked that officers ensure that rural areas were given serious consideration during the consultation process, especially with the lack of public transport these areas faced.


10.  The Chairman asked for members of the committee to speak to local members in their division and make them aware of the local transport review and encourage them to attend any parish/local committee meetings where this issue would be discussed.  




a)      Authorise officers to carry out wide-ranging consultation on proposed transport changes with partners, stakeholders and the wider public during the period October 2014 to January 2015.


b)      At a further meeting in spring 2015, Cabinet consider proposals for change which take into account views expressed in the consultation.


Actions/Further information to be provided:




Committee Next Steps:


For the final report on the Local Transport Review to come back to the Environment and Transport Select Committee in April 2015.



Supporting documents: