Agenda item


Purpose of the report:  Policy Development and Review


To update Members on the New Models of Delivery Programme and discuss how Members can best support the programme through the work of select committees. 




Rachel Crossley, New Models of Delivery Lead


Key Points raised during the discussion:

1.    The New Models of Delivery Lead introduced the report and advised that Cabinet had set up the New Models of Delivery Programme in 2013 to ensure the Council maintains financial resilience and protects its long-term financial position.  For the first year of the Programme setting up Surrey Choices, an Adult Social Care Local Authority Trading Company, was the main focus.  Currently potential opportunities were being considered across all services including income generation, different funding opportunities and different models of delivering services.  The New Models of Delivery Lead asked the Committee to think about the role of Select Committees and which areas should be looked at in the discovery phase.

2.      Members felt it was important to ensure the full costs as well as profits, including set up and support functions, were considered when looking at models operating elsewhere and officers confirmed that this was the case.    

3.    Members queried the methodology for benchmarking risk when assessing a proposal.  It was reported that this was done on a case-by-case basis, looking at what we could predict internally, but also experiences from other authorities to ensure we managed risk effectively. 

4.    The Committee pointed out examples of where partnership working had resulted in shared skills and expertise, such as the work with South East 7.  It was, however, noted that previous outsourcing had not been effective and that those experiences must be learnt from.

5.    It was noted that a Local Authority Trading Company could be scrutinised in the same method as partners and external contracts.  In addition, the Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee could hold the shareholder board to account.  The Committee was informed that most of the work would sit within individual Select Committees, Task Group and Local Committee remits.  Members particularly felt there should be involvement from Select Committees at Discovery Workshops and the development of ideas about new ways of working.

6.    The Committee was concerned about the impact on staff if a trading company should lose its contract with the County Council.  Members were reminded of the Teckal exemption and also the potential for a trading company to gain work from other authorities or sectors.  In the case where services were brought back in-house or a trading company ceased to operate then re-deployment could be possible but officers offered to provide more detailed information on how this might work in the various scenarios, taking into account TUPE.  .

7.    The Committee expressed support for the approach and emphasised the input they could give to the New Models of Delivery Programme.   The concern of the rights of staff was re-visited and the Committee requested further details be provided as offered.   

8.    Members queried how different types of models were selected for specific projects.  The New Models of Delivery Lead explained that it was essential to be clear on what the Council is trying to achieve by changing the way it delivers services: consideration needed to be given to who we wanted to trade with and the benefits or otherwise of the various models.  Members emphasised that quality and delivery of services were as important as savings.

  Actions/Further Information to be provided:


New Models of Delivery Lead to provide the committee with further information about the impact on staffing should a trading company cease trading.



·         That the approach set out in the New Models of Delivery Programme be supported.



            Select Committee Next Steps:


            An update will be provided in 6 months.


Supporting documents: