Agenda item


To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68.  Notice should be given in writing or by e-mail to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


Two petitions were received, which are attached as Annex C.


1. Mary Dennis – Request for a Pedestrian Crossing or a traffic island by Ditton Reach.


Chris Gibbs spoke on behalf of the petitioners requesting a safer means of crossing Portsmouth Rd between Ditton Reach and Windmill Lane.  He explained that residents need to cross the road to access bus stops, schools and other amenities.  For people laden with shopping it is too far to go to either of the other nearest crossings.  It is not easy for active adults, but particularly difficult for elderly and infirm people, some of which no longer leave their homes as they find the road too dangerous to cross.


This part of the road is especially dangerous place due to the 2 junctions.  One resident has already been knocked over and taken to hospital.


Chris Gibbs suggested that a crossing point outside the City Arms pub, which would help the pub’s customers and could also mean that the congestion in Ditton Reach could be reduced as Ajax Scouts participants could walk instead of travelling by car.  He pointed out that according to Local Transport Note 1/95 The Assessment of Pedestrian Crossings, the provision of crossings should be targeted at the needs of those people who experience most difficulty and danger, and this location is particularly difficult and dangerous for the residents of City Wharf House.


He ended his presentation by saying that there is real concern among many of the petitioners that there will be a fatality which is why they are asking for a zebra crossing or a refuge island.


Peter Hickman, County Councillor for The Dittons, said the petitioner had provided a good summary of the issues.


A response will be provided at the next meeting on Monday 23 February 2015.



A response to the Petition concerning Walton Park Lane was tabled at the meeting and is attached as Annex D.


2. Bob Swaddle – a request to repair Walton Park Lane to a standard suitable for all existing users including waste collection vehicles.

Bob Swaddle spoke on behalf of the petitioners explaining that residents are very concerned about the deteriorating state of Walton Park Lane, with the north end of the lane, extending approximately 150 metres from Rydens Rd, providing vehicular access for the owners of the 3 bungalows and garaging for 11 houses in Rydens Park, giving most concern. 


He continued that the lane is well used by commuters accessing Hersham railway station, cyclists, mothers with buggies and accompanying school children to and from school, as well as recreational and dog walkers. 


He added that the condition of the lane had worsened to such an extent that they felt there was serious risk of injury to cyclists and pedestrians.


Prior to 2001 Bob Swaddle said Elmbridge Borough Council had tried to maintain the lane and since then although some potholes had been repaired overall the condition had deteriorated. He confirmed that Land Registry had no record of registration for the lane.


Members discussed how the key point is who owns the land and if there is no registered owner, who responsibility falls to, but also questioned whether we couldn’t go the extra mile to help the residents, particularly as it is a walking route, which we should be encouraging.


The Area Highways Manager confirmed that the Countryside Access Team will see to the vegetation over the winter period.


The issue of the maintenance of the surface of the lane will be looked at by officers and Members outside of the meeting.

Supporting documents: