Agenda item

MINERALS/WASTE WA/2014/0939: Chiddingfold Storage Depot, Chiddingfold Road, Dunsfold, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4PB

This is an application for the retention of 4 containers for storage purposes in connection with existing waste facility. The waste management facility comprises industrial scale buildings and a large open concrete yard all used in connection with the importation, deposit, storage, processing and transfer of discarded automotive parts.


The recommendation is GRANT planning permission Ref. WA/2014/0939 subject to conditions.





Declarations of interest:





Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager

Stephen Jenkins, Deputy Planning Development Manager

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Lawyer

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Planning Team Manager





Alison Daniels, a local resident, made representations in objection to the application. The following points were made,


·         Shipping containers on the site are not temporary and have been in use since 2012.

·         This is a busy site and hence the application to extending opening hours.

·         Fence between site and garden does not reduce any noise.

·         The forklift movements from the site are having an impact on residential amenity.


Ian McFarlane, a local resident, made representations in objection to the application. The following points were made,


·         Containers on site are left permanently open yet the applicant argues containers are required for security reasons.

·          The forklift movements from the site are having an impact on residential amenity.

·         Asked if containers can be moved further up the yard so they are further away from homes.

·         Applicant has not engaged with residents.


The local Member Victoria Young addressed the committee and raised the following points:


·         Residents were told that the containers on site were just a temporary construction but have now been told that the applicant wants to make these permanent.

·         Noise from the site is having an impact on residents. The containers are very bright which makes them hard to screen.

·         During winter, the screening is limited and the fence is not high enough to screen the depot.



Key Points raised during the discussion:


1.    The report was introduced by the Deputy Planning Development Manager who explained that permission for this site was granted in 2013. The current application asks for the retention of four storage containers on the site. Objections have been received from both Waverley borough council and Dunsfold parish council. The containers are not visible from resident’s gardens unless someone looked over the fence. A condition has been included to paint the containers matte black.


2.    A member queried what was being done to stop the impact of noise on residents. The Deputy Planning Development Manager explained that a condition had been put in place with the last application with regards to noise. If there was any breach of this the enforcement team would be made aware.


3.    No formal applicant/ resident group had been set up.


4.    It was stated that these four containers were not situated in the green belt and were deemed as fit for purpose for the site.


5.    Some members queried whether the containers could be insulated with rubber to reduce the noise impacts.


6.    It was felt that more needed to be done to mitigate noise issues yet it was recognised that the committee did not have many grounds to refuse the application.


7.    Members discussed the possibility of deferring the application on the grounds of possible relocation of the containers, an additional noise condition and noise mitigation measures to also be included as part of the application.  



Actions/Further information to be provided:







  • The committee has asked for the applicant to look at the possibility of relocating the four containers, including an additional noise condition and noise mitigation measuresas part of the application.


Supporting documents: