Agenda item


To update Members on the progress of David Morley Associates to provide an economic scheme for the redevelopment of the Canal Centre site.



Declarations of interest: None




James Taylor, Strategic Manager – Basingstoke Canal


Lisa Creaye-Griffin, Countryside Group Manager (Surrey County Council)



Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    A report was tabled at the meeting. The report updated Members on the progress of David Morley Associates to provide an economic scheme for the redevelopment of the Canal Centre site and future income proposals. It was explained that the service had not gone out to consultation on the proposal. It was explained that the Canal as a whole was under resourced and that current income only amounted to a proportion of the BCA’s budget; the work was needed to be done to improve income generation.


2.    An informal consultation had taken place with the Canoe Club; the feedback received was taken on board. It was recognised that a number of other stakeholders including neighbours close to the site would be consulted in due course.


3.    It was stated that there would be an emphasis on sustainable energy especially as SCC policy aims at a BREEAM standard of “very good” or where possible “excellent”.


4.    There was concern that funding from district and boroughs could possibly reduce once the economic generation scheme had been agreed.


5.    The Chairman commented on the positive step forward with these plans in place. In the past there had been complaints around the lack of facilities but it was very good to see the centre moving forward.


6.    The cost of paying David Morley Associates to provide an economic scheme and business plan was in the region of £98,000.  


7.    It was stated that it was possible that SCC might fund the whole project as the project was economically sustainable and would cover its capital repayment and interest costs. It was commented that surplus from the site would go back into the Canal management budgets.


8.    Some Members felt the current proposals were not ambitious enough especially in terms of catering facilities on site. Officers were asked to look at the redevelopment work being done on canals in other parts of the country. The Strategic Manager explained that the catering consultant working with DMA had looked at what would bring the most economic benefit to the site.


9.    As the site was only 5.5 hectares in size, consultants were limited on what they could do on site. 


10.  In terms of parking, consultants had agreed that there would be significant benefit from a small car parking charge. Members recognised that this could be a problem for some visitors.


11.  Members asked that the proposals should include a lay-by style boating facility so potential visitors from the canal can stop and enjoy the site.


12.  It was recognised that the redevelopment of the Canal Centre would be vital for the successful future of the Canal as a whole. Partnership arrangements with various stakeholders including neighbours of the site needed to be considered going forward.


13.  The Countryside Group Manager explained that a progress report on the Canal would be going to the Surrey County Council Environment and Transport Select Committee in December. (subsequently delayed until March 2015)



Resolved:  The report was noted



Actions/further information to be provided: None



Committee next steps: None.


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