Agenda item

Epsom Plan E highway improvements, major scheme

This paper is to update members on the current status of the Epsom Plan E highway improvements scheme in Epsom town centre and obtain member approval to carry out a public and business consultation Jan - Feb 2015.


·        The business case has been progressed to a stage ready for submission to the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (C2C LEP); at the time of writing, the business case is due to be submitted on 1/12/14.

·        The scheme is now at a stage where it is necessary to carry out public engagement to raise awareness of the proposals and allow the public to give us their views. The engagement will build on the consultation on the scheme which was carried out in 2008/09 as part of the development of the Borough’s Plan E Area Action Plan (AAP).

The Plan E highway improvements scheme has been progressed from the results of the consultation carried out in 2008/09, and has focused on the preferred option resulting from the consultation to convert South Street to two-way working. Therefore, it is not intended to consult on the South Street two-way of the scheme, but rather inform the public about how this has been developed.


That the Local Committee (Epsom & Ewell) agreed:


(i)      to note the progress made so far with the major schemes submission and the draft proposals for Epsom Plan E highway improvements scheme;

(ii)     that officers undertake public engagement for a minimum period of 6 weeks from mid January (exact dates to be confirmed) and report the feedback to the Major Schemes Member Task Group in April 2015;


On a motion proposed by Cllr Neil Dallen and seconded by Mr John Beckett it was further agreed that the Committee:


(iii)    (By 7 votes FOR to 2 AGAINST with 1 ABSTENTION) welcomes the progress made by Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and SCC in securing £2.7 million for the funding of highway and public realm improvements in Epsom town centre;

(iv)    supports the Plan E scheme as approved in the original public consultation and which will now be the subject of an additional public consultation following further highway improvements to the Plan;


(v)     (Mrs Tina Mountain voted AGAINST) notes the traffic modelling data which provides evidence that the proposed highways changes will improve traffic flow and reduce journey times;


(vi)    welcomes the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s proposals for improvements to the market place and other areas within the town, including new street furniture, signage and improved pedestrian access.


Reasons: To ensure that the Local Committee is kept informed of the progress made so far with the major scheme project and the draft proposals for the scheme in the town centre.  To enable the public to be fully informed about the scheme, to assist with the development of the project and to gauge support for the project and highlight any potential issues which could be addressed during detailed design.


Declarations of Interest:  None


Officers attending:  Steve Howard,Project Manager, David Stempfer, Major Schemes Manager, Caroline Tuttle, Transport Planner, Nick Healey, Area Highways Team Manager,


Petitions, Public Questions/Statements:  None


Member discussion – key points


Officers reported that the deadline for the submission of the final bid has been extended to 15 December.  The results are expected in January.


Noted in paragraph 1.9 (3) that Ashley Avenue has never been two-way so this should read “introduce”.


Some members were concerned that businesses in South Street may be affected by the removal of parking which will be necessary to accommodate the scheme and asked if they had been consulted.  Officers responded that the final details of the scheme, including possible changes to parking restrictions, have not yet been considered.  The aim of sharing the proposals with the public at this stage is to identify any potential concerns so they can be addressed in the detailed design stage as far as possible. 


Traffic modelling indicates that there will be improvements in journey times on the majority of routes into and around the town centre, with only two journeys on a Saturday showing increased journey times.


Officers reported, that Plan E, which outlines the basis of this scheme, has already been agreed following an extensive consultation, as the Plan E highway improvements scheme is rooted in the Epsom and Ewell Local Plan and has passed through an Examination in Public.  It will be necessary for a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to be published to convert the existing South Street one-way to two-way before work can proceed, if funding is agreed.  The TRO process allows for formal responses from the local community to be made to this aspect of the scheme.


Resolved: That the Local Committee agreed:


(i)      to note the progress made so far with the major schemes submission and the draft proposals for Epsom Plan E highway improvements scheme;

(ii)     that officers undertake public engagement for a minimum period of 6 weeks from mid January (exact dates to be confirmed) and report the feedback to the Major Schemes Member Task Group in April 2015;


On a motion proposed by Cllr Neil Dallen and seconded by Mr John Beckett it was further agreed that the Committee:


(iii)     (By 7 votes FOR to 2 AGAINST with 1 ABSTENTION) welcomes the progress made by Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and SCC in securing £2.7 million for the funding of highway and public realm improvements in Epsom town centre;

(iv)    supports the Plan E scheme as approved in the original public consultation and which will now be the subject of an additional public consultation following further highway improvements to the Plan;


(v)     (Mrs Tina Mountain voted AGAINST) notes the traffic modelling data which provides evidence that the proposed highways changes will improve traffic flow and reduce journey times;


(vi)    welcomes the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s proposals for improvements to the market place and other areas within the town, including new street furniture, signage and improved pedestrian access.


Reasons: To ensure that the Local Committee is kept informed of the progress made so far with the major scheme project and the draft proposals for the scheme in the town centre.  To enable the public to be fully informed about the scheme, to assist with the development of the project and to gauge support for the project and highlight any potential issues which could be addressed during detailed design.

Supporting documents: