The Surrey Family Support Programme (SFSP) is the name given to the local implementation of the Government’s Troubled Families Programme in 2012. The programme aims to improve outcomes for families who have multiple needs through a model of multi-agency working. The Programme is also one of the six projects included in Surrey’s participation in the Public Services Transformation Network (PTSN).
This report gives an overview of the expansion of the Government’s national programme from 2015-2020 and the implications for the Surrey Family Support Programme.
Cabinet is asked to agree to an Outcomes Plan that will enable the local programme to begin its expansion pending the conclusion of consultations over the new ways of working with partner agencies. The Outcomes Plan will mark the transition from the current Troubled Families Programme (Phase 1) to the new expanded Programme (Phase 2).
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]
1. That the expansion of the Surrey Family Support Programme, to include around 1000 families each year between 2015 and 2020, be approved.
2. To agree to work towards the Government’s expanded Troubled Families programme target, with immediate effect.
3. To increase the number of families eligible to join the programme through the criteria set out in the Families Outcomes Plan, attached at Annex 1 to the submitted report.
Reasons for Decisions:
In light of the very good local performance on the first phase of the national Troubled Families Programme, the Council was invited by the Government to be an Early Starter for the new expanded Programme. As part of this, the Council has received additional funding of £651,000 this year with a requirement that an additional 549 families are brought into the local Programme by April 2015. This new funding is to be invested in the staff providing intensive support services to the targeted families. Key to beginning the new Programme is implementing new eligibility criteria on which we are required to consult on with local partners.
In agreeing to the above recommendations, Cabinet will replace the eligibility criteria it agreed for the original Programme in March 2013 with a new set of criteria that will expand the Programme to cover a wider set of families.
Further work is underway to develop agreements with partners over the delivery model of the new service arrangements and these will form part of Surrey participation in the Public Services Transformation Network. The details of these arrangements will be reported to Cabinet in May, once they are concluded. However, in order to begin the new Programme now, a decision is required over the new Outcomes Plan to bring new families into the Programme.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]
Prior to asking the Cabinet Member for Children and Families to present the report, the Leader of the Council requested a small change to recommendation (3) – inserting ‘number of’ before families so that this recommendation now read:
‘To increase the number of families eligible.....’
The Cabinet Member for Children and Families said that Cabinet was being asked to agree to an Outcomes Plan that would enable the Surrey Family Support Programme to begin its expansion, pending the conclusion of consultations over the new ways of working with partner agencies. The Outcomes Plan (attached as Annex 1 to the submitted report) would mark the transition from the current Troubled Families Programme (Phase 1) to the new expanded Programme (Phase 2).
She informed Members that the current programme had been very successful and that the Council was on track to meet its target to turnaround 1050 families by May 2015. She said that Surrey would be an ‘Early-Starter’ for the expanded programme, due to being identified by the Department of Communities and Local Government as one of the highest performing Councils in the current Troubled Families Programme.
She highlighted the eligibility criteria for the expanded national programme, as set out in paragraph 11 of the submitted report, and also the new model of working with partners, which was currently being developed – this local partnership work had been named as ‘Working Together’.
Finally, she drew attention to Annex 1, the Expanded Family Support Programme Outcomes Plan and commended the recommendations to Cabinet.
1. That the expansion of the Surrey Family Support Programme, to include around 1000 families each year between 2015 and 2020, be approved.
2. To agree to work towards the Government’s expanded Troubled Families programme target, with immediate effect.
3. To increase the number of families eligible to join the programme through the criteria set out in the Families Outcomes Plan, attached at Annex 1 to the submitted report.
Reasons for Decisions:
In light of the very good local performance on the first phase of the national Troubled Families Programme, the Council was invited by the Government to be an Early Starter for the new expanded Programme. As part of this, the Council has received additional funding of £651,000 this year with a requirement that an additional 549 families are brought into the local Programme by April 2015. This new funding is to be invested in the staff providing intensive support services to the targeted families. Key to beginning the new Programme is implementing new eligibility criteria on which we are required to consult on with local partners.
In agreeing to the above recommendations, Cabinet will replace the eligibility criteria it agreed for the original Programme in March 2013 with a new set of criteria that will expand the Programme to cover a wider set of families.
Further work is underway to develop agreements with partners over the delivery model of the new service arrangements and these will form part of Surrey participation in the Public Services Transformation Network. The details of these arrangements will be reported to Cabinet in May, once they are concluded. However, in order to begin the new Programme now, a decision is required over the new Outcomes Plan to bring new families into the Programme.
Supporting documents: