Agenda item


The Strategic Director for Adult Social Care will update the Committee on important news and announcements.


Declarations of interest:






Dave Sargeant, Strategic Director, Adult Social Care


Mel Few, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care



Key points raised during the discussion:


·         The Strategic Director informed the Committee that the Adult Social Care Directorate (ASC) have now completed 100% of appraisals representing an improvement on this time last year


·         ASC received Surrey’s results from the statutory Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) which was completed in late 2014. The SD advised that the feedback from the survey was very positive and indicates that, in comparison with the results of the 2012/13 survey, there has been an improvement in how carers perceive their interactions with ASC. It was agreed that the results from SACE would be circulated to Members.


·         The Committee were updated on how ASC is managing the introduction of the Care Act which came into force on 1 April 2015. A review of ASC’s preparations for the Care Act by the Internal Audit Team was cited which expressed satisfaction with the progress being made in meeting the requirements of the Act and did not make any recommendations. The SD did, however, stress that the  importance of not being complacent in implementing the Care Act particularly in light of the second phase of legislation which will come into force from 1 April 2016.


·         It was also advised that the Government has issued draft guidance and recommendations on the Care Act duties being introduced in 2016. ASC has now returned comments to the Government highlighting concerns around implications that the guidance and recommendations could have. The SD indicated that he would circulate ASC’s response to the Committee.


·         Members were informed that the deadline for the signing of Section 75 agreements with the six Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) has been revised to 30 April 2015 from the original deadline of 1 April 2015. Assurances were requested by the Committee that the agreements would be signed off by the new deadline. The SD advised that a letter of intent has been sent to each of the CCGs and confirmed that he is confident of having the agreements finalised by the 30th.


·         Attention was drawn to a briefing issued by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) which provides an interesting perspective on the future of adult social care nationally.


·         The SD confirmed to the Chairman that when an individual is not satisfied with the response given by the ASC, they have the right to pursue a complaint through the Local Government Ombudsmen (LGO) and the Council will co-operate fully with the LGO.


·         Members inquired about the five strategic priorities which have been set out by ASC for 2015/16 and whether the Committee should align its forward plan to these. The SD agreed that the work of the Committee should be tracked back to these priorities.





Actions/ further information to be provided:


1.    2014 Carers’ Survey to be circulated to Members of the Committee


2.    Directorate response to Government Guidance on 2016 Care Act duties to be shared.

Committee next steps:

