Committee details

Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership System Board

Purpose of committee

Surrey Heartlands Health and Care partnership brings together representatives from the ICS partnership as the leadership forum for the Surrey Heartlands ICS, providing system stewardship to balance the resources available and responsibilities held with our collective ambition of working together with the people of Surrey Heartlands to improve health and care outcomes for all. The Board will oversee the definition and delivery of the Surrey Heartlands strategy, in context of overall Surrey 10 year Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and align local strategies for our collective ambitions.


These meetings are live streamed and can be watched via the webcast displayed on the meeting page.



·         Partnership Board to oversees the ambitions set out in the Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership Agreement

·         Shaping and getting consensus for the strategic direction of the Partnership, making recommendations to the respective decision making bodies as appropriate.

·         Ensuring partners work collaboratively to ensure system, vision and strategy alignment; using the Surrey 10 year Health and Wellbeing Strategy to shape and get consensus on health and care strategy

·         Ensuring this consensus must be built around the needs of local populations which in turn drives a genuine and sustainable transformation in citizen experience and outcomes.

·         Overseeing the delivery of the system plan and use of system resources (investment framework) to meet our ambitions

·         Overseeing the development of the ICS and integration across health and care in line with the system plan and NHS Long Term Plan

·         Acting as a forum for discussion and resolution of important or contentious issues relating to the health and care system, the overall system plan and constituent work streams.

·         Acting as a key point of escalation from all subgroups to the System Board, in particular the Surrey Heartlands Oversight and Assurance Group (SOAG) and our Covid ICS Recovery Board, and any other Boards requiring partnership action to resolve and operate at scale.

·         Promoting and supporting engagement across the Surrey Heartlands area, ensuring that the views of all relevant stakeholders, including users of our services, the voluntary community and faith sector and the public are embedded in our decisions and citizen co-design is at the heart of what we do.

·         Ensuring partners are operating to the values, behaviours and principles of our partnership MOU and able to challenge each other if these are not being lived up to.



Contact information

Support officer: Huma Younis. Email:

Phone: 07866899016
