Issue - decisions

Progress with Delivery of the Council's Waste strategy

24/06/2014 - Progress on the Delivery of the Council's Waste Strategy, including the EcoPark

1.         That the progress made since the last report in October 2013 be noted.


2.         That continuation with the delivery of the Eco Park Phase 1, as outlined in paragraph 5, limiting the commitment of expenditure until the necessary remaining consents are obtained, be agreed.


3.         That the Strategic Director of Environment and Infrastructure, Director of Finance and Director of Legal and Democratic services, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, continue to monitor progress and report back to Cabinet in the event of material changes to the risks and assumptions set out in this report and the October 2013 report and in particular, if the remaining outstanding consents are not obtained by the end of October 2014.


Reasons for Decisions:


The recommendations are necessary to maintain proper authority to proceed with the delivery of the Eco Park.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]