Issue - decisions

Investment in Major Transport Schemes, using funding from EM3 and C2C LEPS

24/09/2014 - Supporting Economic Growth through Investment in Highways Infrastructure

1.         That the county council’s share of the local contribution to the cost of the first tranche of the 2015/16 Local Growth Deal programme of schemes be met from the Economic Regeneration capital budget.

2.         That authority be delegated, within the limits set out in the Constitution, to the Strategic Director for Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding Recovery and the Director of Finance, to agree the precise amount of the SCC contribution.

3.         That the principles, set out in paragraph 7 of the submitted report, should form the basis for discussions with the Boroughs and Districts on how the local contribution to schemes might be shared in the future.

Reasons for Decisions:


The prioritised transport infrastructure schemes are a key element of the Strategic Economic Plan (SEPs), submitted by the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to Government in March 2014, which set out how they will support the economic development and regeneration of their areas. The proposed schemes will deliver a range of benefits to Surrey’s residents, including reduced congestion, improved journey time reliability, enhanced safety, improved access for cyclists, pedestrians and buses, as well as enabling economic development and regeneration.


Under the funding arrangements, local authorities are required to provide a local contribution to the schemes to reflect the local benefits that will be provided. Therefore if we wish these schemes to proceed to business case submission, we will need to confirm that this local contribution is available.


This is the 1st tranche of schemes that has been funded from the Local Growth Deal. The precise amount of the contribution that the county council will need to make will be finalised once discussions with relevant Borough Leaders/Chief Executives have been completed in accordance with the approach set out in this report.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]