Issue - decisions

In-house Residential Care - Badgers Wood

23/07/2014 - Badgers Wood Surrey County Council Residential Care Home

That the Council will consult on the proposal to close Badgers Wood Home and that following the consultation a further report will be presented to Cabinet for a decision on the future of the home.


Reasons for Decisions:


·                The existing service does not fully provide the opportunity for residents to maximise their independence and live in a supported living environment.  It is recognised the building is too large to provide a sufficiently individualised service.

·                The current service does not accord with the strategic direction of Surrey Adult Social Care, in terms of a shift from residential care to a broader range of personalised accommodation options such as supported living.

·                The vulnerability of people living in the home due to age and infirmity has increased and their needs will be difficult to meet appropriately within the present service.

·                The service in its current form has experienced a lack of demand in at least the last 5 years.

·                Reviews of the 10 residents care and support needs have found that at least 2 residents will move-on from the service as part of Adult Social Care annual review and reassessment processes.

·                A high and increasing vacancy level compromises the financial viability of the existing service.  Given the concerns about the building and the lack of fit with current commissioning priorities, there is no expectation that new referrals will be made and so demand is projected to continue to decline over time.

·                Significant financial investment in the building is required and it presents a number of challenges to adaptation and refurbishment. New Learning Disability schemes are generally developed on the basis of accommodation for 4 to 8 people.

·                Young adult (18+) and their parents / carers would not choose a service that comprises 17 bedrooms and does not provide an environment for personalised services.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]