Issue - decisions

Creating Opportunities for Young People 2015-2020: proposed model and commissions

24/09/2014 - Creating Opportunities for Young People: Re-commissioning for 2015 - 2020

1.       That the new model for commissions, as described in paragraphs 12 to 15 of the submitted report, be approved to deliver the goal of employability and the Surrey Young People’s Outcomes Framework.


2.       That procurement of £8.115 million of services for 2015-20 for commissioning Local Prevention and Year 11-12, as specified in paragraph 27 of the submitted report, be approved, subject to future medium term financial plan budget changes.


3.       That changes to the delegation of decision making to Local Committees and Woking Joint Committee in relation specific youth services as shown in Annexe 1.a and 1.b. of the submitted report, be approved.

Reasons for Decisions:


This report sets out the commissioning model and procurement approach to deliver the Surrey Young People’s Outcomes Framework for 2015-2020 to meet statutory duties outlined in paragraph 8 of the submitted report and to build on the success of the achievements since the transformation in 2012.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]