Issue - decisions

Surrey County Council / Surrey Wildlife Trust Agreement Review

24/06/2015 - Surrey County Council / Surrey Wildlife Trust Agreement Review


1.         That variations to the Agreement, and associated leases, relating to revised financial formula, governance arrangements, Asset Management Plan, performance management and woodland management, as described in paragraph 3-7 of the submitted report, and subject to the same variations being agreed by Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) Trustees in July 2015 be approved.

2.        That the net contribution of Surrey County Council to the SWT Agreement be reduced to zero by 2020/2021; that the distribution of funds thereafter will be determined; and that a robust business plan be required to achieve this and be reported to Cabinet by November 2015; and that failure to implement recommendation 1 or 2 will lead to an immediate review of alternative methods of achieving value for money in the management of the Council’s Countryside Estate.

3.       That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience, the Director for Legal and Democratic Services and the Head of Property Services, to enter into final negotiations with SWT to vary the Agreement.


Reasons for Decisions:

Approval of the recommendations will implement changes to the Agreement with SWT which improve its effectiveness, deliver improvements for visitors, aim to reduce the Council's contribution to zero by 2020/2021, and agree the distribution of funds thereafter.


[The decision on this item can be called in by the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board]