Issue - decisions


12/03/2015 - MAJOR PROJECTS UPDATE REPORT - Steve Howard

The A30 / A331 Meadows Gyratory and Corridor Improvements scheme is currently programmed to commence works in the 2015/16 financial year, but the Blackwater Valley Better Connectivity STP only has grant funding available for 2015/16 financial year. Therefore, this project will need to be completed by 31 March 2016.


The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed to:

(i)     Note the progress made so far with the Major schemes submission (Annexes 1 & 2 provides layout plans).

(ii)    Note the draft proposals for the A30 / A331 Meadows Gyratory, and the Blackwater Better Connectivity STP - phase 1 (Annex 3).

(iii)  Consultation on the A30/A331 The Meadows project and the A331 junction with Riverside Way (Blackwater Valley STP) during the period 15 June to 26 July (6 weeks), and to delegate authority to the Area Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, the Member Task Group for Major Schemes, and the Project Managers for both projects to agree the final consultation material.