Issue - decisions

Monthly Budget Monitoring Report

23/09/2015 - Finance and Budget Monitoring Report for July and August 2015

That the report be noted, including the following:


1.         That as at 31 August 2015, services forecast a £3.4m revenue budget variance as at year end, as set out in paragraph1 of the submitted Annex.

2.         That service managers be required to confirm actions that will achieve a balanced budget.

3.         That services forecast efficiencies and service reductions for 2015/16 at £66.3m, as set out in paragraph 24 of the submitted Annex.

4.         That the total forecast capital expenditure, including long term investments be £188.4m, as set out in paragraph 34 of the submitted Annex.

5.         That a virement of £930,000 to reflect expenditure and income in relation to the DCLG Troubled Families Programme, as set out in paragraph 3 of the submitted Annex be approved.


Reasons for Decisions:


This report is presented to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval and action as necessary.


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Council Overview Board]