1. That the Orbis business plan, approved by the Orbis Joint Committee on 28 September, and the roadmap for the integration of services, as described in the plan be noted.
2. That the one off investment (SCC share £4.7m) required to deliver the benefits (SCC share £5.6m recurring) through off-setting of investments against benefits in the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) (2016-21) be approved in principle.
3. That the SCC share of the initial investment in the programme team up to 2017/18 be approved and IT costs for 2015/16 which is £862,000, be funded from the ‘Invest to Save’ fund initially, where investment precedes benefits, otherwise to be off-set against benefits.
Reasons for Decisions:
The development of Orbis to date demonstrates the strength of the partnership between the two Councils, and the ability to become a ‘Compelling Alternative’. The Orbis programme must continue to drive momentum through scale and pace, to deliver the ambition which is predicated on the expertise and passion of staff, and to remain focussed on Customers in order to realise better outcomes for residents.
Any form of innovation carries a level of inherent risk, and by identifying these early, keeping stakeholders informed, and taking the required action to mitigate accordingly, the projected benefits outlined can be achieved.
In order to complete the Orbis story, and achieve full projected benefits, Cabinet’s endorsement and sign-off of the next level of investment is required.
This investment is necessary to realise the full benefits of Orbis, including better business services for customers, and therefore residents. In addition, by creating a dynamic and innovative environment for staff, they will be enabled to contribute to realising confidence in Surrey’s future.
[The decision on this item may be called in by the Council Overview Board]