Issue - decisions

Surrey County Council (SCC) Countryside Estate: Revision of agreement between SCC and Surrey Wildlife Trust

22/03/2016 - The Agreement with Surrey Wildlife Trust for the Management of the County Council's Countryside Estate



1.      That the Surrey Wildlife Trust decision and recommendation be noted and endorsed.

2.      That the Strategic Director for Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning and the Director of Legal, Democratic and Cultural Services be required to work with Surrey Wildlife Trust to ensure the business plan is delivered.

Reasons for Decisions:


Approval of the recommendations will put in place a mechanism to make the management of the Countryside Estate more efficient whilst improving and maintaining the countryside, delivering improvements for visitors, reducing the Council's financial contribution to nil by December 2021, and agreeing the distribution of any surplus income thereafter.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways ScrutinyBoard]