Issue - decisions

The Horley Master Plan

27/10/2015 - The Horley Master Plan



1.           That the background information, as set out in the submitted Part 1 and Part 2 reports be noted.

2.           Subject to the financial information contained in the submitted Part 2 report, that the Horley Master Plan Delivery Fund be approved.

3.           Subject to the financial information contained in the submitted Part 2 report, that works to Langshott/The Acres development be approved 

4.      That the Strategic Director of Environment and Infrastructure and the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, approve any requests to the Horley Master Plan Delivery Fund within their delegated authority.


Reasons for Decisions:


To improve the Council’s arrangements for the management of financial risk over the life time of the Horley Master Plan and to provide infrastructure and service improvements that will benefit local residents. 


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Council Overview Board and/or the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Scrutiny Board]