Issue - decisions

Proposed changes to Community Recycling Centre Service

25/11/2015 - Shaping Surrey's Community Recycling Centres

That changes, as set out below, are implemented as soon as is operationally possible:


1.       Officers continue to work with SITA Surrey to pursue operational efficiencies and cost reduction measures.

2.       Officers continue to work with SITA to enforce the Council’s existing trade waste and resident scheme policies.

3.       Weekday opening hours at the Community Recycling Centres be reduced at the least busy times in order to ensure the sites run as efficiently as possible.

4.       Opening days be reduced in order to fit with demand for the service, but to ensure that a number of sites are always made available to residents on a daily basis.

5.       Charging to cover costs for non-household items, comprising large gas bottles and car tyres, should be implemented across the service.

6.       Charging to cover costs for asbestos should not be implemented.

7.       That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director, Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning to devise how to implement a charging scheme which allows residents to deposit small amounts of inert building material and plasterboard free of charge.

8.       Reuse shops will be opened at suitable sites across the network to reduce waste sent for disposal and generate additional income.

9.       That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director, Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning to lead a new initiative to co-ordinate and enhance the fly-tipping investigation, prevention and enforcement activities of district and borough councils, the Police and the Environment Agency.


Reasons for Decisions:


All council services are required to consider options for cost reduction. Any savings must be recommended with due regard to the customer and stakeholder views expressed through consultation. As Annex 2 of the submitted report shows, there are times and days when it is not value for money to operate the sites.


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Scrutiny Board]