Issue - decisions

Admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and Coordinated Schemes for September 2017

03/02/2016 - Admission arrangements for Surrey's Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and Coordinated Schemes that will apply to all schools for September 2017





Recommendation 1

That admission criteria are introduced for Year 3 entry to Beacon Hill Primary School for September 2017 as follows:


a.    Looked after and previously looked after children

b.    Exceptional social/medical need

c.    Siblings

d.    Children for whom the school is the nearest to their home address

e.    Any other children



Reasons for Recommendation

·         As it is proposed to introduce a Published Admission Number for Year 3, the local authority has a duty to determine criteria which confirm how children would be admitted

·         The criteria are in line with those that exist for admission to Reception and this would ensure there is consistency in the way children are admitted to each intake

·         They are also consistent with the admission arrangements that exist for the majority of Surrey’s other community and voluntary controlled schools

·         It is supported by the school which has asked for a Year 3 intake to ensure vacancies can be filled when children drop out to the independent sector at the end of Year 2


Recommendation 2

That a new criterion for Chennestone Primary School is introduced for Year 3 in September 2017, to provide priority for children attending Beauclerc Infant School as follows:


a.    Looked after and previously looked after children

b.    Exceptional social/medical need

c.    Siblings

d.    Children attending Beauclerc Infant School

e.    Children for whom the school is the nearest to their home address

f.     Any other children


Reasons for Recommendation

·         It would introduce a feeder link for Beauclerc Infant School where currently none exists

·         It would provide continuity and a clearer transition for parents, children and schools and would reduce anxiety for parents

·         It would maximise the opportunity for families to keep children together or at schools with agreed links

·         The schools are federated and share the same headteacher and this criterion would support their joint working

·         It is supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body of the federated Governing Body of Beauclerc Infant and Chennestone Primary schools

·         It is consistent with Surrey’s planning principles set out in the School Organisation Plan

·         Eligibility to transport is not linked to the admission criteria of a school and as such attendance at Beauclerc Infant School would not confer an automatic right to transport to Chennestone Primary School


Recommendation 3

That admission criteria are introduced for Year 3 entry to Cranleigh CofE Primary School for September 2017 as follows:


a.    Looked after and previously looked after children

b.    Exceptional social/medical need

c.    Siblings

d.    Children for whom the school is the nearest to their home address

e.    Any other children


Reasons for Recommendation

·         As it is proposed to re-introduce a Published Admission Number for Year 3, the local authority has a duty to determine criteria which confirm how children would be admitted

·         The criteria are in line with those that exist for admission to Reception and this would ensure there is consistency in the way children are admitted to each intake

·         They are also consistent with the admission arrangements that exist for the majority of Surrey’s other community and voluntary controlled schools

·         It is supported by the Governing Body of the school which has asked for its Year 3 PAN to be reintroduced following its temporary removal in 2016 so that the school could accommodate a bulge class moving through the school


Recommendation 4

That the Published Admission Number for West Ewell Infant School is reduced from 90 to 60 for September 2017.


Reasons for Recommendation

·         It would enable the school to accommodate the number of children in their Foundation and Key Stage 1 classes, alongside accommodating Key Stage 2 provision as they expand to become a primary school

·         It is supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body of the school

·         There would still be sufficient infant places for local children if the PAN is reduced

·         It would help support other schools in attracting sufficient numbers to Reception


Recommendation 5

That the start date to the primary admissions round is changed from 1 September to the first day after the Autumn half term (31 October 2016 for 2017 admission).


Reasons for Recommendation

·         It would reduce the number of applications where parents make changes after they have submitted their application

·         It would enable support to be targeted to primary applicants after the secondary closing date (31 October)

·         More would be known of school expansions and bulge classes so parents would be in a better position to make informed decisions

·         It would relieve some of the pressure from primary schools at the start of the autumn term and enable them to focus support in the second half of the term

·         It would be likely to reduce the pressure on parents in feeling they have to apply early, even though the closing date isn't until 15 January

·         It would give parents more time to familiarise themselves with the process

·         It would give parents more time to visit schools and consider admission criteria before they have to submit their applications. This might especially benefit parents with summer born children who may not have considered school places as much as others

·         It would not have any detrimental effect on applicants who would still have nearly eleven weeks to complete their application by 15 January


Recommendation 6

That the Published Admission Numbers (PAN) for September 2017 for all other community and voluntary controlled schools are determined as they are set out in Appendix 1 of Enclosure 1 which include the following changes:


i)      Beacon Hill School - introduction of Year 3 PAN of 2

ii)     Cranleigh CofE Primary School – re-introduction of Year 3 PAN of 30

iii)    Dovers Green School - increase in Reception PAN from 56 to 90

iv)   Downs Way School – increase in Reception PAN from 45 to 60

v)    Godalming Junior - increase in Junior PAN from 58 to 60

vi)   West Byfleet Junior - increase in Junior PAN from 60 to 90


Reasons for Recommendation

·         Schools are increasing their intake to either rationalise their class organisation/sizes or to respond to the need to create more school places

·         Any increase to PAN will help meet parental preference

·         The School Commissioning team and the schools support these changes

·         All other PANs remain as determined for 2016 which enables parents to have some historical benchmark by which to make informed decisions about their school preferences


Recommendation 7

That the aspects of Surrey’s admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2017, for which no change is proposed, are agreed as set out in Enclosure 1 and its Appendices.


Reasons for Recommendation

·         This will ensure stability and consistency for the majority of Surrey’s parents, pupils and schools

·         The arrangements enable parents to have some historical benchmark by which to make informed decisions about their school preferences

·         The existing arrangements are working reasonably well

·         The arrangements enable the majority of pupils to attend their nearest schools and in doing so reduces travel and supports Surrey’s sustainability policies

·         Changes highlighted in bold in sections 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18 and 20 of Enclosure 1 which have not otherwise been referenced in this report, have been made to add clarity to the admission arrangements but do not constitute a policy change

·         Changes to PAN that are highlighted in bold in Appendix 1 of Enclosure 1 are referenced in Recommendation 6


Recommendation 8

That the primary and secondary coordinated admission schemes that will apply to all schools for 2017 are agreed as set out in Enclosure 2. 


Reasons for Recommendation

·         Other than the change proposed under recommendation 5, the coordinated schemes for 2017 are the same as 2016

·         The coordinated schemes will enable the County Council to meet its statutory duties regarding school admissions

The coordinated schemes are working well