1. That an application to the Charity Commission for a new Scheme be drawn up and submitted which amends the Objects so both ‘county maintained secondary schools’ and ‘secondary academies’ can benefit from the funds available in the bequest.
2. That the the Director of Legal, Democratic and Cultural Services prepares amendments to the Scheme of Delegation and to the Constitution to reflect the changes arising from this report and submits them for approval by the Leader.
3. That the application to the Charity Commission for a new Scheme will include a provision to enable the Trustees to allocate the permanent endowment (£15,502) in future.
4. That, following Charity Commission advice, decisions relating to any final amendments to the Scheme be delegated to the Director for Children's Services (or alternative appropriate officer) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement.
Reasons for Decisions:
Inclusion of secondary academies in the Scheme would mean that all state funded secondary schools in Surrey were once again in scope, as they were in 2006.
To ensure there are clear and proportionate governance arrangements in place to enable the effective administration of the Fund.
The remaining permanent endowment would most effectively be spent on future projects alongside the accumulated interest, as the value of the permanent endowment is insufficient to fund any significant project along or to generate any significant interest in the medium term.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Education and Skills Board].