RESOLVED (as amended):
1. The 2016/17 service strategies that will deliver the Corporate Strategy 2016?21, as set out in Annex 1 to the submitted report, be approved.
2. The detailed service revenue and capital budgets for the year 2016/17 and indicative budgets for the years 2017?21, including amendments resulting from the final Local Government Financial Settlement and other Government funding changes announced since 9 February 2016, as set out in Annex 1 to the submitted report, be approved.
3. The use of a further £7.5m of earmarked reserves to support the 2016/17 revenue budget, as detailed in paragraph 25 of the submitted report, be approved.
4. The proactive and systematic engagement of the County Council in responding to proposed changes in local government funding to ensure these changes do not further disadvantage Surrey, and the recognition of the costs of delivering services in Surrey be approved.
5. The highway maintenance capital budget for 2016/17 be increased by £5m, offset by a £5m reduction to the 2017/18 highway maintenance budget, as set out in paragraphs 55 to 56 of the submitted report.
6. The publication of the service revenue and capital budgets as the Medium Term Financial Plan 2016?21 be approved.
7. A £400 charge for arranging a funeral for an individual who has received Adult social Care services commissioned by the Council, where there is no one else to make these arrangements be noted.
8. The Director of Finance’s letter to the Department for Communities and Local Government confirming that the adult social care precept will be spent entirely on adult social care functions, as detailed in paragraph 11 of the submitted report be noted.
9. That a programme has been established in line with previous recommendations to deliver on Public Value Transformation that will identify base budget reductions to deliver up to £50m through additional continuing savings or funding, beyond those already in MTFP (2016?21), over the next two years to make the Council’s finances sustainable, as set out in paragraphs 29 to 38 of the submitted report.
10. The fees & charges approved under delegated powers, as set out in Annex 2 to the submitted report, be noted.
11. The Equality Impact Assessment of the savings proposals within the Directorate and Service Budgets, as set out in Annex 3 to the submitted report, be noted.
Reasons for Decisions:
The Corporate Strategy 2016?21 sets out the Council’s key strategic goals of wellbeing, economic prosperity and residents’ experience. The underpinning service strategies provide detail on the objectives and actions to achieve these corporate goals.
The Medium Term Financial Plan 2016?21 is a five year budget aligned to the corporate strategy. It reflects assumptions about the current local and national financial, economic and political environment. Setting a five year budget is a key element of the council’s multi-year approach to financial management. Regular reporting through the year will enable effective tracking and management of progress with the strategy and the budget.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview Board]