Issue - decisions

Surrey's Better Care Fund Plan 2017-19

18/10/2017 - Surrey's Better Care Fund Plan 2017-19

It was AGREED:


1.     By the Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adults and the Cabinet Member for Health, to sign off the BCF 2017-19 on behalf of Surrey County Council.

2.     And for the plan to be submitted to the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board for final approval on 7 Septmeber 2017, ahead of submission to NHSE and DCLG on 11 September.

22/03/2016 - Health and Social Care Integration

1.      That the update on health and social care integration planning in Surrey and the emerging Sustainability and Transformation Plans be noted.           


2.      That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Adults Social Care and Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence and the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health, to finalise and approve the 2016/17 Surrey Better Care Fund plan from the Council’s point of view in line with the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan.


3.      That the finalised 2016/17 Better Care Fund Plan should be presented to the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board for final approval on 7 April 2016.


Reasons for Decisions:


Integration of health and social care will support the provision of better outcomes to

Surrey residents and enable the council to better influence and control the source of demand for social care services.


Pursuing opportunities for further integration will help to ensure the County Council

meets its statutory duties, set out in both the Care Act 2014 and the Health and

Social Care Act 2012, for encouraging and promoting the integration of health and social care.


A specific requirement of the Better Care Fund Planning process is to secure approval of plans from the Council, the relevant CCGs and the Health and Wellbeing Board.


The deadlines and tight timescales for submission necessitate the recommendation included in this report to delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Adults Social Care and Public Health (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence and the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health) to finalise and approve the 2016/17 Surrey Better Care Fund plan on behalf of the Council before it is presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 7 April 2016.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Board]