That the following recommendations be approved:
1. To consult on the following proposals as part of a revised charging policy for Adult Social Care services, that:
· The Council will charge an administration fee in any case where the person is able to pay the full cost of their care and support at home but nevertheless asks the Council to commission care on their behalf.
· The Council will increase the amount of available income contributed in charges for non-residential services from 90% to 100%.
· The Council will include the full rate of Higher Rate Attendance Allowance/ Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payment (excluding mobility elements) in the calculation of income.
· The Council will no longer give a discretionary allowance of £20 per week when calculating the available income for respite services.
2. That subject to consultation, any changes will take effect from 2 October 2016.
3. That Cabinet receives a further report at its meeting on 14 July 2016, detailing the response to the consultation and the proposed Charging Policy.
Reasons for Decisions:
The Council has previously consulted on the policy of charging for care and support. The recommendations made in this report do not change charging for those people in residential and nursing care but may impact on people currently receiving care and support in their own homes and it is right that we consult people who may be adversely affected by the revised proposals. People who can afford to contribute towards their care and support should do so in a fair and equitable way.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]