Issue - decisions

Highways Update (Executive Function for Decision)

24/03/2016 - Highways Update (Executive Function for Decision)

The Local Committee (Guildford) agreed to:



(i)            Note progress and forecast outturn costs for the 2015/16 programme of highway works funded by this committee and described at Annex 1 of the report.

(ii)           Authorise the Area Highway Manager (AHM) to progress the schemes included in the programme in consultation with local elected members and associated task groups.

(iii)          Subject to approval of recommendations (i) and (ii) authorise the Area Highway Manager to consider and determine any objections submitted following the statutory advertisement of the traffic orders and notices associated with the programme of schemes, in consultation with the Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant local councillors.

(iv)      Delegate authority to the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice- Chairman and locally affected Members to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner.

(v)          Agree that Community Enhancement Fund is devolved to each County Councillor based on an equal allocation of £5,000 per division




The committee is asked to agree allocations for 2016/17 so that the agreed programme of highway works and operations can be delivered in a timely manner.