Issue - decisions

Revised Charging Policy For Adults

14/07/2016 - Consultation on a Revised Charging Policy For Adult Social Care



1.     That the Council continue to apply the disregard of £20.00 per week when charging for respite care.

2.     That subject to the revisions in recommendation 1 above, the charging policy for Adult Social Care as found at Annex 2 of the submitted report be approved and implemented.

3.     That these changes take effect from 3 October 2016.

Reasons for decisions


In light of the very significant financial pressures the Council faces and the increasing demand for services, it is important to review the charging policy to ensure that those who are assessed as being in a position to contribute towards their care costs are making an appropriate contribution that will help maintain high quality care and support for all residents of Surrey with eligible social care needs.


The proposals do not significantly change charging for the majority of people in receipt of non-residential care and support, but will contribute to the sustainability of providing adult social care services. 


The proposed policy will continue to provide an open and transparent framework which will enable people to make informed decisions about how their care and support needs may be met and will bring the Council’s charging policy in line with the majority of other local authorities.