Reasons for Decisions
The introduction of the Central Management System for controlling street lights initially allowed the Council to introduce a dimming regime in 2010 but also provided the future flexibility to adapt lighting profiles including turning lights off. The expected £210,000 annual saving represents a 7% saving on the Council’s electricity budget. The reduction in CO2 output by 1250 tonnes per annum as a result not only contributes to the Council’s objective to reduce its CO2 impact but achieves a further £22,500 saving in avoided Carbon Tax.
The recommendations follow a review of the increasing number of local authorities implementing part-night lighting and the outcome of the research by the LANTERNS project as described in point 8. Whilst the Council’s public consultation identified concerns around personal safety and road safety with implementing part-night lighting, over 75% of respondents were in favour of switching off at least some street lights.
Building on good practice in other local authorities, the introduction of part-night lighting will only be implemented in locations where it is deemed safe to do so based on a combination of factors including a site visit and risk assessment and, consultation with the Council’s Road Safety Team and Surrey Police to mitigate against the concerns highlighted