Independent Carers Support
That the award of new contracts based on four geographical lots to Action for Carers Surrey, each contract commencing on 1 April 2017, be approved.
The contracts will be for an initial two year period, with the option to extend for up to two further periods of twelve months.
The geographical lots being:
Lot 1 - Woking, Runnymede and Spelthorne
Lot 2 - Guildford, Waverley and Surrey Heath
Lot 3 - Covering Epsom and Ewell, Banstead*, Mole Valley and Elmbridge
Lot 4 - Area within the boundaries of East Surrey CCG (Reigate, Redhill and Horley* and Tandridge
* The borough of Reigate and Banstead is split between lots 3 and 4 based on the respective boundaries of Surrey Downs and East Surrey CCG
Home Based Breaks for Carers
That the award of new contracts based on two lots to Crossroads Care, each contract commencing on 6 February 2017, be approved.
The contracts will be for an initial two year period, with the option to extend for up to two further periods of twelve months.
The lots being:
Lot 1 - Home Based Breaks for Carers
Lot 2 - End of Life Care
Reasons for Decisions:
The Council has a statutory duty to support carers in case of need, which could be met through a variety of approaches. Following an assessment of several service delivery and procurement options, it was decided that a full competitive tender based on geographic lots was the most appropriate approach in both instances. This model increases the reach of the service, without increasing costs and allows for greater efficiencies through rationalisation of services.
An open, fair and transparent tender process was undertaken for each service. Following a thorough evaluation process two suppliers were selected. One for the countywide Independent Carers Support and the other for the countywide Home Based Breaks for Carers.
This procurement exercise has been carried out in collaboration with Surrey’s six NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to secure the best supplier(s) to deliver cost effective, high quality services against agreed specifications that will improve the quality of life for carers.
The recommended bidders have demonstrated that they can deliver high quality services expected by Surrey County Council (SCC) and the CCGs and will work with us over the lifetime of the contract to make continuous improvements and add value.
There is strong evidence from national cost modelling, that support to carers helps prevent breakdown of caring situations and avoids far greater cost for the provision of more expensive, more intrusive “care packages”. Based on this calculation an estimated £38.8 million of additional care costs will be prevented over the life of both contracts.
[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board or the Council Overview Board]