1. It be agreed that Surrey County Council should join a shadow Sub National Transport Body for the South East, known as Transport for the South East (TfSE).
2. Authority be delegated to the Leader of the Council to agree the shadow arrangements on behalf of Surrey County Council, including the shadow constitution.
3. That a report be received, following an appropriate period of time reviewing the operation of the shadow arrangements and prior to entering into a formal SNTB.
4 Funding of £20,000 be provided to develop the constitutional arrangements and the Transport Strategy and to provide officer support to the shadow Body.
Reasons for Decisions:
TfSE provides an opportunity to support and deliver growth plans across the region through the development of a long-term strategic programme to identify a comprehensive package of transport measures to make the South East more competitive. It would complement the work of the LEPs and support delivery of Local Plans.
It would specifically enable SCC to influence the prioritisation of investment by the major national transport agencies such as Highways England and Network Rail in a way that has not been possible in the past.
The SNTB would address some of the barriers to growth of the economy that have been held back by transport infrastructure shortcomings, notably strategic infrastructure, that is the responsibility of Network Rail and Highways England. The SNTB would enable SCC to more directly influence the priorities and programmes of these agencies, so helping to secure delivery of longstanding transport infrastructure ambitions.
[The decision on this item may be called in by the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Scrutiny Board]