Issue - decisions

Re-commissioning Short Breaks for Disabled Children

23/11/2016 - Re-commissioning Short Breaks for Disabled Children



1.          That an extension to the deadline for re-commissioning short breaks in Surrey to 1 December 2017 be approved.

2.          That all existing contracts terminate on 30 November 2017 and the newly commissioned short breaks offer begins on 1 December 2017.

3.          That a three-month extension until 30 November 2017 be sought to the contract with Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) for overnight residential short break provision at Beeches.

Reason for Decisions:


The proposal to extend the re-commissioning of short breaks to 1 December 2017 will:


i.        allow for a formal six-week public consultation with the children, young people and families directly affected by the specific changes to short breaks recommended by the procurement process.

ii.       support Cabinet to make a fully informed final decision about the re-commissioned short breaks offer, taking account of the views of children, young people and families on the specific changes to services recommended by the procurement process.

iii.      strengthen engagement and co-design with families to further increase robustness of the re-commissioning process and deliver better outcomes for more children, young people and families.

iv.      allow any perceived negative impacts of the recommended changes on particular children, young people and families to be planned for and, as far as possible, mitigated so that families continue to be supported.


[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board or the Council Overview Board]