Issue - decisions

Surrey County Council Bus Service Retendering Programme 2017

28/06/2017 - Surrey County Council Public Bus Contract Retendering 2017



1.       That the background information set out in the report be noted.


2.       Following consideration of the results of the procurement process in part 2 of the meeting, the award of contracts to the following nine operators be agreed:


       Hallmark Connections, Falcon Coaches, Stagecoach South, Cardinal Buses, Reptons Coaches, C E Jeatt & Son, London United Busways, Carlone Buses and Compass Travel.


       The contract length will be three years with the option to extend up to a maximum of eight years, as permitted by the 1985 Transport Act. The total annual value of these contracts will be £2.827m of which £2.619m relates to the services in north Surrey.


Reasons for Decisions:


This recommendation will enable Surrey County Council to achieve:


·                A net full year saving of £0.7m compared to the previous aggregated cost of the routes.

·                A robust bus network delivery of essential public transport to residents of Surrey.

·                Services delivered by Operators who are reputable and meet the Council’s minimum level of quality.

·                Funding arrangements with Operators that are sustainable.

·                Ensuring the Council complies with the Procurement Standing Orders (PSO), requiring Cabinet approval for those contracts that reach a specified value.


[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Corporate Services Select Committee or the Environment and Infrastructure Select Committee]