That the following be noted:
Forecast revenue budget outturn for 2017/18 is less than £4m
overspend (Annex 1, paragraphs 1 and 7 to 45 of the
submitted report). This includes:
£9m savings to be identified,
£16m net savings considered unachievable in 2017/18,
£14m service demand and cost pressures
£35m net underspends, additional savings and income.
2. Forecast planned savings for 2017/18 total £79m against £95m agreed savings and £104m target (Annex 1, paragraph 47 of the submitted report).
3. All services continue to take all appropriate action to keep costs down and optimise income (e.g. minimising spending, managing vacancies wherever possible etc.).
4. The Section 151 Officer’s commentary and the Monitoring Officer’s Legal Implications commentary in paragraphs 16 to 20 of the submitted report state that the council had a duty to ensure its expenditure did not exceed resources available and move towards a sustainable budget for future years.
That the following be approved:
5. Reprofile £8.0m previously reported as capital underspend in Place Development & Waste due to changes within the Local Growth Deal programme of road and transport improvement schemes funded primarily from grant, developer monies and partner contributions (Annex 1, paragraph 63 of the submitted report) as reflected in MTFP 2018-21.
Reasons for decisions:
This report is presented to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval and action as necessary.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee]