Issue - decisions

Provision of Nursing and Residential Dementia Care Services in Accommodation Developed Via A Design, Build, Finance and Operate Model - Contract Award

26/09/2018 - Contract Award for Residential Dementia and Nursing Care Home and Leasehold Disposal of the Land at Former Older Persons In-House Care Home at Brockhurst, Brox Road, Ottershaw



1.    The conclusion of the procurement process for the award of a care services contract to Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd was approved and the agreement of the final care services contract terms and conditions delegated to the Cabinet Member for Adults and the Executive Director for Adult Social Care.

2.    The progression of the leasehold disposal of the former older peoples in house care home at Brockhurst was approved and:

a)    authority to sign off that the Council had met its requirements under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972: Disposal of land by principal councils was delegated to the Lead Cabinet Member for Place and the Chief Property Officer; and

b)    the agreement of the final terms and risk exposure to the Council of the Brockhurst agreement for lease and ground lease was delegated to the Lead Cabinet Member for Place and the Chief Property Officer.


Reason for Decisions:


The Council’s vision was to promote independence, choice and control in all of its practice and to achieve this in a financially challenging climate, where the demographic of need is inherently changing.


With changing demographics, increasing financial challenges, and a joint health and social care strategy to support people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, the Council needed to commission the right accommodation options to meet our resident’s health and wellbeing needs.  This included those with complex needs that can only be catered for in a specialist residential care or nursing care setting. Key to generating these options, was shared working between the Council, partners and the private sector to develop and shape the market for accommodation with care and support.


There was an opportunity to develop dementia and nursing residential care provision on the Brockhurst site. The Council was confident of the need for such provision and analysis of the site confirms its suitability, based on the site’s size, accessibility, existing planning class use and the location.

A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of Public Contract Regulations and Procurement Standing Orders had been completed, and the recommendations provided best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Lifelong Learning Select Committee]