1. That following consideration of the results of the procurement process in the submitted Part 2 report, to award contracts to the following six operators was agreed:- BETC, Cardinal Buses, C E Jeatt & Son (White Bus), Edward Thomas, Metrobus and Southdown.
2. To note that the contract length would be three years with the option to extend up to a maximum of eight years as permitted by the 1985 Transport Act (as amended by s.70 Local Transport Act 2008). The total annual value of these contracts would be £1.037m (net of developer funding contribution for one route).
Reason for Decision:
The decision would enable the Council to achieve:
Ensures the Council complies with the Procurement Standing Orders (PSO), requiring Cabinet approval for those contracts that reach a specified value.
[Decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee or the Environment Select Committee]