Issue - decisions

Preparation of The New Surrey Waste Local Plan: Pre-Submission Plan

19/12/2018 - Preparation of The New Surrey Waste Local Plan: Submission Plan



1.    That the Council submits the Surrey Waste Local Plan (Submission Plan) to the Secretary of State following its publication for representations under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.


2.    That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Highways, Transport & Environment to approve any non-material changes to the Plan in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment & Waste prior to its publication and during its Examination.


3.    That the Council’s revised Minerals and Waste Development Scheme December 2018 was agreed.


4.    That the Council publishes an updated draft Statement of Community Involvement for consultation in Spring 2019 was agreed.


Reasons for decision:


It was a statutory requirement for Surrey County Council to have a Waste Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) emphasised that Local Plans should be kept up to date. A new Surrey Waste Local Plan (the Plan) was being prepared that would replace the 2008 Surrey Waste Plan (SWP) and would cover the period from 2018 to 2033. The Plan wwould ensure that planning policy for the management of waste reflected a more recent assessment of the need for waste management in Surrey as well as the current and likely future opportunities and constraints for such development. Regulations governing the plan-making process require that such plans are submitted to the Secretary of State following a period for representations on soundness and compliance with relevant legislation.


The Plan included a vision for Surrey to be sustainable in terms of waste management. This meant encouraging communities to prevent waste and to manage waste that was produced in the most sustainable way by provision of recycling and recovery facilities in the right locations at the right time. The Plan expected facilities to maximise the resource potential of waste by managing waste as high up on the waste hierarchy as possible.


Waste data was published annually in November and the published Plan would include the latest available 2017 data and any consequent non-material changes to the Plan. Such changes, and any other minor changes considered desirable, would be made by the Executive Director, in consultation with the Cabinet Member, prior to the Plan publication in mid-January 2019.


The associated timetable for preparing the Plan and statement on how communities were involved in the preparation of planning policy and consultation on planning applications also required updating to ensure they reflected the current programme for preparing the Plan and new legislative requirements.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment Select Committee]