Issue - decisions

Surrey County Council Low Emissions Transport Strategy and Electric Vehicle Strategy

28/11/2018 - Update To The Surrey Transport Plan: Strategies And Associated Developer Guidance Regarding Emissions Reduction



1.    That the proposed,

·         Low Emissions Transport Strategy,

·         Electric Vehicle Strategy,

·         Travel Plan Good Practice Guide and

·         Car Club Guide


  be adopted and become part of the Surrey Transport Plan.

2.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Highways, Transport & Environment to agree future revisions to the Low Emissions Transport Strategy, Electric Vehicle Strategy, Travel Plan Good Practice Guide and Car Club Guide in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport.

Reason for Decision:


To ensure the Council’s transport policies and activities support a sustainable economy and environment and improves the health of Surrey residents.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment Select Committee]