Issue - decisions

Provision of Contract for Water and Waste Billing Services

19/12/2018 - Water and Waste Water Services



That the award of a 2 Year plus 1 Year optional contract to Castle Water Limited for the provision of water and waste water services to Surrey County Council be approved.


Reason for decision:


Water and waste water services were essential in order for the Council to continue operating its premises in a way which was compliant to relevant standards of health and safety.

The award of this contract would enable uninterrupted provision of the service while reducing the current number of providers and the processing of multiple invoices. It would also generate pricing reductions of an estimated £26,000 per annum for the Council against current costs.

A mini-competition and e-auction process in compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Regulations and Procurement Standing Orders had been completed. The recommended supplier offered overall best value for money in the procurement process which was carried out by Crown Commercial Services on behalf of Orbis partners: Surrey County Council, East Sussex County Council and Brighton and Hove City Council.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment Select Committee]