Issue - decisions

Updated Highway Asset Management Strategy and Policies

19/12/2018 - Updated Highway Asset Management Strategy and Policies



1.    That the following policies and strategy be approved:

a)    the Capital Scheme Prioritisation Policy.

b)    the Skid Resistance Policy.

c)    the Hierarchy Definition Policy.

d)    the Highway Safety Inspection Policy.

e)    the revised Highway Asset Management Strategy


2.    That delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Highways to review and update Policies as set out in a) to e) in response to changes in legislation, guidance or practice in the future.

Reason for decision:


To ensure that these policy documents were updated to accurately and clearly explain to elected Members and the public how Surrey County Council Highways:


·         Prioritises its capital highway works,

·         Monitors and reviews skid resistance of the highway

·         Defines its network hierarchy

·         Undertakes Highway Safety Inspections, and

·         Manages its Highway Assets with consideration to risk and value for money.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Highways & Growth Select Committee]