Issue - decisions

Fire and Rescue Services HQ, Wray Park, Reigate. Proposed Disposal Asset and Relocation of Workshop Facility

26/03/2019 - Wray Park, Reigate - Surrey Fire and Rescue Services



1.      That the business case to relocate and upgrade of the Surrey Fire & Rescue Service functions currently delivered from Wray Park and allocates a sum of £13.8m in the capital programme, comprising the following, be agreed:-

·         For the Council contribution towards the Integrated Transport Function Joint Vehicle Workshop facility at Courtlands, Crawley Down - £3.8 million. 

·         For refurbishment and upgrade of Reigate Fire Station including accommodating the Secondary County Gold Command Centre - £2 million.

·       For the relocation of the Central Training and Development facility as part of a proposed major emergency service collaboration programme - £8 million.       

This project will be subject to the preparation of a full business case.


2.      That revenue expenditure of £0.2m for the relocation of the central administrative functions including stores be agreed.


3.      That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Highways Transport and Environment in consultation with the Leader, the Executive Director of Finance and the Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Fire and Resilience to work with partners to develop detailed proposals for all of the above, within the total capital allocation.


Reasons for Decision:


Surrey Fire & Rescue Service currently operates from a large property complex located at Wray Park, Reigate. The general estate was not fit for purpose and did not meet the needs of a modern fire and rescue service.  The buildings and facilities were too large, obsolete and were expensive to run and maintain.   There was also a significant backlog of building maintenance and repair works and future planned and reactive maintenance works that would be costly. 


The property was located within the settlement area of Reigate and had a significant alternative use value for housing development. 


The proposal would deliver modern, fit for purpose operational facilities for Surrey Fire & Rescue Service and make a significant contribution towards the aims and objectives of the Service Transformation Programme.  In addition to these service benefits there would be the associated benefits of lower rates of operational cost for relocated services and the receipt of a significant capital sum from the proposed sale of the property.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee]