Issue - decisions

Surrey's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

26/03/2019 - Surrey's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy



1.    That following review of the draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, ahead of the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board being asked to approve the final version on 4 April 2019, it be approved.


2.    That a Committees-in-Common approach between the County Council and six Clinical Commissioning Groups in the county to align decision-making related to the strategic commissioning of health and care services across Surrey be established.


3.    That a sub-committee of the Cabinet with a membership of the Leader of the Council (Chair), the Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health, and the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families be established.


4.    That authority be delegated to the sub-committee of the Cabinet to take decisions in relation to the functions (and associated budgets) detailed in paragraph 19 of this report and attached as Appendix A.


5.    That the County Council’s Director of Law and Governance be authorised to make the relevant updates to the Council’s constitution.


Reasons for Decision:


Improving the health and wellbeing of the population is an important part of delivering the new community vision for Surrey. The draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Surrey identifies a set of priorities based upon a robust review of evidence and analysis of health needs, the views of residents and stakeholders from across the Surrey health and care system. Taking a ten year view with a focus on prevention and tackling the root causes of poor health will improve outcomes for Surrey residents and help to secure a financially sustainable health and care system.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Health, Integration & Commissioning Select Committee]