Issue - decisions

Revision of Procurement Standing Orders

01/05/2019 - Revision of Procurement Standing Orders



That Cabinet makes the following recommendation to Full County Council on 21 May 2019:


Cabinet recommendations to Full County Council:


That Council approves the proposed changes to Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.


Reasons for Decision:


·         Introduction of an annual forward procurement plan which provides a platform for early sight of key strategic procurements, improved planning and management of procurement projects and identification of a future savings pipeline.

·         Introducing more streamlined procurement thresholds, which reduces the burden on small and local business and the voluntary sector to win council work.

·         Consistent and aligned policy and process across the Orbis partnership, engendering greater efficiencies, reducing bureaucracy and developing a flexible pool of expert resources to conduct procurement activity.

·         Incorporating the latest legislative and regulatory changes.