Issue - decisions

Delivering the Community Vision for Surrey in 2030: Working with partners and residents

01/05/2019 - Delivering the Community Vision for Surrey in 2030: Working with partners and residents



1.    That the direction of travel for improving how we work with partners and residents be approved.

2.    That the partnership commitment be endorsed and recommended to the Council meeting on 21 May 2019 for approval.

3.    That a new model for locality partnership working in Surrey be developed with partners, with a view to foundational new arrangements being in place by October 2019, with full operation by March 2020 be agreed.


That Cabinet makes the following recommendation to Full County Council on 21 May 2019:


Cabinet recommendations to Full County Council:


That Council approve the partnership commitment.


Reason for Decision:


The council has committed to being a better partner, and is focused on developing stronger relationships with partners. This is a central principle of our Organisation Strategy as it will help us to deliver our contribution to the Vision for Surrey.

Developing new relationships with our residents, and enabling new opportunities for our residents to participate, underpins the successful realisation of one of the ten ambitions in the Vision: Communities are welcoming and supportive, especially of those most in need, and people feel able to contribute to community life.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee]