Issue - decisions


13/06/2019 - HIGHWAYS UPDATE

The local Committee received a report from the Highways Manager on progress made with the delivery of proposed highways and developer funded schemes, and revenue funded works for the 2019/20 financial year.  The report also provided an update on the latest budgetary position for highway schemes and revenue maintenance and covered any relevant topical highways matters.

The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed to:

i)              Note the progress with the ITS highways and developer funded schemes, and revenue funded works for the 2019/20 financial year.      

ii)             Note the budgetary position.

iii)            Note a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.

iv)           Advertise a notice in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Act 1984, detailing the proposed upgrading of the existing signalised pedestrian crossing on the A325 Frimley By-Pass (immediately west of the roundabout at its junction with Frimley Road, Frimley High Street and Portsmouth Road)from a Pelican Crossing to a Toucan Crossing.

v)            Advertise a notice in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effects of which would be to introduce a one-way system in the section of the B3029 High Street, Bagshot highlighted in the plan shown in Annex 1; and

vi)           Any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order should be considered and resolved by the Area Team Manager for Highways in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and the local Divisional Member, and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable; and

vii)          That the Order be made once any objections have been considered and resolved.

Reason for decision:

To enable progression of all highway related schemes and works.

Recommendation (iv) is made to enable an existing signalised pedestrian crossing on the A325 Frimley By-Pass to be upgraded from a Pelican crossing to a Puffin crossing.

Recommendations (v), (vi) and (vii) are made to enable a short section of one-way system to be introduced as part of a developer funded environmental enhancement scheme being introduced in Bagshot village centre.