Issue - decisions



The Local Committee received a report on Community Safety funding.  There was a delegated budget of £3,000 for community safety projects in 2019/20 and the report set out the process by which this funding should be allocated to the Community Safety Partnership and/or other local community organisations that promote the safety and wellbeing of residents. The report also provided a progress update regarding last year’s funding.


The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed that:


(i)        The committee’s delegated community safety budget of £3,000 for 2019/20 be retained by the Community Partnership Team, on behalf of the local committee, and that the Community Safety Partnership and/or other local organisations be invited to submit proposals for funding that meet the criteria and principles set out at section 3 of this report.

(ii)       Authority be delegated to the Community Partnership Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the local committee and divisional members as appropriate, to authorise the expenditure of the community safety budget in accordance with the criteria and principles stated in section 3 of this report.

(iii)      The committee receives updates on the project(s) that was funded, the outcomes and the impact it has achieved.

Reasons for decision:

To agree a clear process for allocating the committee’s delegated community safety budget of £3,000 to local organisations and to receive an update on how funding was used in order to provide visibility and promote accountability within the Community Safety Partnership.