Issue - decisions

SEND Travel Assistance

17/07/2019 - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Travel Assistance



1.    That the design principles to support the delivery of the Council’s statutory responsibilities for home to school transport for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities be approved.


2.    That the Executive Director for Children, Families and Learning in consultation with the Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning finalises proposals for public consultation from September 2019 be agreed.


3.    That responsibility be delegated to the Executive Director in consultation with the Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning to review the Council’s SEND travel assistance policy following public consultation in Autumn 2019, including children and young people with SEND and their families. 


Reason for Decision:


There were significant areas of underperformance in relation to Surrey County Council’s delivery of its arrangements for home to school transport for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.  Poor practice and culture were driving poor outcomes for children and young people and high costs. Delivery of the outcomes sought through the proposed design principles will benefit all Surrey residents by supporting the integration and independence of children and young people with SEND, promoting environmental sustainability and securing the efficient use of public resources.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee]