Issue - decisions

Funding a Surrey Flood Alleviation Programme

30/10/2019 - Funding Flood Risk Management in Surrey



1.    That the council investment of £270m to deliver the objectives of Surrey’s Flood Risk Management Strategy be approved in principle.


2.    That the development of new governance arrangements to oversee the delivery of Surrey’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and separate arrangements for overseeing the delivery of the River Thames Scheme along with a risk sharing agreement be approved.  The details to be brought to Cabinet for further approval in early 2020.


3.    That the commissioning of a master planning exercise for the River Thames Corridor to maximise the opportunities from the River Thames Scheme be approved.


Reason for Decision:


The council and our partners’ current budget for flood alleviation work is very limited. There is not enough money to deliver the objectives of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for all of the areas at significant risk of flooding in the county. The floods in 2013/14 highlighted a number of risks across Surrey. If a flood event of a similar magnitude were to take place again in the coming years, the council’s inability to carry out work in the relevant areas due to resource and budget constraints means that many locations would continue to suffer the same, or worse, economic and social damage to their communities.


The success of the River Thames Scheme was crucial due to the large number of Surrey residents and businesses affected. By funding the scheme, the Council would unlock further opportunities for the region and contribute to a compelling long term vision for the Thames Corridor through ambitious master planning.


Strong effective governance will be essential in the delivery of this programme, the River Thames Scheme and the wider opportunities.  This will need to build on the existing arrangements.


Investing in our Flood Risk Management Strategy, including the River Thames Scheme, would help achieve the Council’s Vision for Surrey in 2030, specifically:


  • Residents live in clean, safe and green communities, where people and organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities
  • Journeys across the county are easier, more predictable and safer
  • Well connected communities with effective infrastructure that grow sustainably

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment & Highways Select Committee]