Issue - decisions



The Guildford Joint Committee:


In respect of the Phase 2a Works


  1. Agreed that a notice be advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effects of which will be to allow the implementation of a segregated cycle route in general accordance with drawings 1-6 at Annex 1.
  2. Agreed that any representations to the Notice should be considered and resolved by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Local Divisional Member in consultation with the Transport Development Planning Team Leader (West), and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable.
  3. Agreed that the Order be made once any representations have been considered and resolved.

In respect of the Phase 3 Works (Toucan Crossings)


  1. Agreed that a notice be advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effects of which will be to allow the implementation of Toucan Crossings on Egerton Road in general accordance with the drawing shown at Annex 2.
  2. Agreed that any representations to the Notice should be considered and resolved by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Local Divisional Member in consultation with the Transport Development Planning Team Leader (West), and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable.
  3. Agreed that the Notice be made once any representations have been considered and resolved.

In respect of the Phase 3 Works (Waiting Restrictions)


  1. Agreed that a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effects of which will be to allow the alteration and creation of waiting restrictions at the junction to support the proposed works generally in accordance with the drawing at Annex 3.
  2. Agreed that any representations to the TRO should be considered and resolved by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Local Divisional Member in consultation with the Transport Development Planning Team Leader (West), and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable.
  3. Agreed that the Order be made once any representations have been considered and resolved.

In respect of the Phase 3 Works (Bus Lane Enforcement Cameras)


  1. Agreed that subject to SCC Cabinet Approval of the proposed Bus Lane and the successful implementation of Bus Lane Enforcement Cameras elsewhere in the Borough, a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effects of which will be to allow the implementation of Bus Lane Enforcement Cameras at the proposed Bus Lane at the junction to support the proposed works generally in accordance with the drawings at Annex 2.
  2. Agreed that any representations to the TRO should be considered and resolved by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Local Divisional Member in consultation with the Transport Development Planning Team Leader (West), and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable.
  3. Agreed that the Order be made once any representations have been considered and resolved.

The Guildford Joint Committee noted that:


In respect of Phase 3


  1. SCC Cabinet Approval will be sought in respect of the Bus Lane following which a notice will be advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effects of which will be to allow the implementation of a bus lane in general accordance with the plan shown at Annex 2.
  2. Subject to the approval of the SCC Cabinet, any representations to the Traffic Regulation Order shall be considered and resolved by the Local Divisional Member in consultation with SCC’s Strategic Transport Group Manager and Transport Development Planning Team Leader (West), and that this issue will be returned to SCC Cabinet if any objections prove insurmountable.

o.     The Order will be made once any representations have been considered and resolved.

Reasons for recommendations:

Recommendations ‘a’ to ‘l’ are made to enable the implementation of the cycle route in respect of Phase 2a and the provision of the Toucan crossings, waiting restrictions and bus lane enforcement cameras in Respect of Phase 3.


Recommendations ‘m to ‘o’ are to inform the Committee that approval will be sought from SCC Cabinet in respect of the Order required to support the proposed bus lane, a vital component of the Sustainable Movement Corridor works.


The SMC works will in their entirety provide a balanced package of works that will provide improved sustainable travel choices between Guildford Rail Station, Royal Surrey County Hospital, the Research Park and University of Surrey. Measures comprise improved pedestrian and cycle facilities, enhanced bus priority and bus stops, whilst also creating an improved highway network aimed at reducing congestion and journey time delays. The new bus lane and bus priority is being provided in response to requests from local bus operators to improve journey time reliability on one of Guildford’s most important bus corridors.